Human Resources

More than 654 thousand people live in the region.

The employed population is 351 103 people with an average salary of 225 883 tenge.

Number of higher education institutions: 3

Number of students of higher educational institutions: 13 186 (of them women – 6 502)

Number of graduates of higher educational institutions: 2761 (of them women – 1485)

Employed population by main economic activities of Atyrau region

Type of economic activity Number of people
Total employees 225 883
Leaders and civil servants 13 729
Professionals 57 648
Technicians and other auxiliary professional personnel 24 125
Administration employees 9 733
Service and sales workers 21 528
Farmers and workers in agriculture, forestry, fish farming and fishing 407
Workers in industry, construction, transport and other related occupations 37 093
Production equipment operators, assemblers and drivers 27 886
Unskilled workers 32 506
Workers not included in other groups 1 228


Average monthly nominal salary of one employee for certain professions and positions in Atyrau region

Type of economic activity Tenge
Total staff 351 103
Leaders and civil servants 923 482
Professionals 494 567
Technicians and other auxiliary professional personnel 319 021
Administration employees 247 508
Service and sales workers 147 589
Farmers and workers in agriculture, forestry, fish farming and fishing 80 854
Workers in industry, construction, transport and other related occupations 343 134
Production equipment operators, assemblers and drivers 290 938
Unskilled workers 123 546
Workers not included in other groups 163 759


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