Issue of opening laboratory for calibrating instrumentation discussed in Atyrau

Akim of the region Serik Shapkenov received a delegation led by the executive vice president for sales in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India of “Wika Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG” by Kaiger Andreas.
At the meeting, the akim of the region welcomed representatives of the world's leading company for the production of industrial instrumentation and congratulated them on the opening of a plant in Atyrau for the production of pressure and temperature measuring instruments. The head of the region also said that he is ready to support the company’s projects aimed at the development of the Atyrau region.
“The oil and gas industry is developed in Atyrau. There are large companies operating in this area in the region. I am sure that they will use your equipment in their activities and strengthen bilateral cooperation. Congratulations on the launch of production. This is a big undertaking, because through the company you opened, new innovative technology will come to the region, which will give new impetus to the development of the region. In addition, these provide additional training and employment opportunities for local residents. Cooperation with you will make a great contribution to the development of international relations. In this regard, I would like to note that we are ready to provide full support to your partners who may want to open a new production facility in the Atyrau region,” S. Shapkenov said.
In turn, Kaiger Andreas expressed gratitude to the akim of the region and shared the plans of the company “Wika Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG”. In particular, he said that by the end of this year they plan to open a center in the region for the repair and maintenance of control and measuring equipment, and in 2024 - a laboratory for its calibration.
“During our visit to Atyrau, we met with representatives of oil companies and signed a memorandum of cooperation. It consists of three areas, including training of qualified personnel and employment of local residents. We also intend to develop a digitalization system in the oil and gas sector together with the Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after S. Otebayev. In addition, there are plans to open a calibration laboratory next year to provide services to local businesses. We see great prospects for partnership in this region. Therefore, I believe that cooperation between us will only become stronger,” K. Andreas noted.
A plant for the production of pressure and temperature control instruments, opened in Atyrau by Wika Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG will produce instrumentation, electronic temperature sensors and membrane separators. It is expected that in 2023 it will provide employment to 7 people, in 2024 - 15, in 2025 - 20 people.
The parties also discussed issues of digitalization, the use of advanced technologies in the housing and communal services sector and the development of further cooperation.
For reference: in the Atyrau region, 23 enterprises with the participation of German capital are registered in the fields of construction, trade, and services.
Source: Akimat of Atyrau region